Friday, 4 October 2019

What are essential oils and how do they work?

Essential oils are specifically used in aromatherapy; a form o medicine which enhances the plant extracts in extracting the good health and well being. This can be termed as compounds which are extracted from the plants. Their specialty is that it captures the scent if the plant or flower. The aromatic compounds give essential oils its characteristic essence. There are two methods in which essential oils can be extracted. They are through distillation or through mechanical methods such as cold pressing. Once the aromatic compounds are extracted from the plants through any of the previous methods then chemical then they are mixed with the carrier oil, resulting in the product to make it ready for use. Now, the essential oils that are extracted through chemical processes are not considered as true essential oil. Application of certain essential oils directly into the skin especially by heating can improve the absorption system of the health.
Essential oils are generally used for aromatherapy purposes. They are not for internal use. They are not for cooking or swallowing purposes. They are generally applied on the skin or body surface. If you inhale the aroma of the essential oils it can improve your limbic system which is a part of your brain which has a control over emotion, behavior, sense of odor and long term memory. The essential oils trigger the memories of emotion, which is related to limbic system. 
There are ninety popular types of essential oils which has its own unique aroma and advantages. The top ten popular essential oils and their usages are given below:
  • Peppermint essential oil: this essential oil is used to boost energy and aid digestion.
  • Lavender essential oil: this essential oil is used to relieve the stress in the brain.
  • Sandalwood essential oil: This essential oil is used to calm nerves and help people to focus on their work.
  • Bergamot essential oil: this essential oil also reduces stress and improves the skin conditions like eczema.
  • Rose essential oil: this essential oil is used to improve mood and reduce the anxiety.
  • Chamomile essential oil: this essential oil is used to improve the mood and relaxation.
  • Ylang-ylang essential oil: this essential oil is used to treat headache, nausea and skin conditions. 
  • Tea tree essential oil: this essential oil is used to treat infections and boost immunity.
  • Jasmine essential oil: this particular essential oil is used to help people with depression, childbirth and libido. 
  • Lemon essential oil: they are generally used to aid digestion, mood, headaches and more.
They are more than ninety commonly used essential oils, each of it has certain separate health claims.

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